Support for Overseas Projects

Altrincham United Reformed Church regularly supports ongoing projects abroad. 

We have supported both financially and through prayer:


  • Jovwira Foundation build and develop schools in outlying districts in Malawi. The schools provide education, food and clean water.  The first school to be funded by our church was Tikwere Nursery for children aged 4 to 12.


Embrace the Middle East (previously Biblelands).  Our previous Minister Revd Brian Jolly regularly visits the Holy Land helping to progress the work of this charity. 


Commitment for Life is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church in partnership with Christian Aid and Global Justice.  Commitment for Life currently focuses on Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Central America and Isreael and the occupied Palestinian territory.


Staple Wares

As I make my choice of fruit and cheese,

search for sugar and count out tins;

as I select my coffee and breakfast cereals,

God give me pause for thought.


As I hunt for shoes and pick out socks,

look round the radios and kitchen-ware;

as I choose materials and knitting wool,

God give me pause for thought.


I pray for the growers and the harvesters,

for the packers and export agents;

I pray for the food processors,

and the nimble fingers of the assembly line.

I pray, knowing I cannot opt out

of this market-place of life

where I must take my choices.

I pray, seeking the good of everyone

on that long chain which leads from growers,

from manufacturers and agents

through the wholesalers and retailers

to my till receipt and carrier bag.


Help me to spend my wealth which is not mine,

but your gift to us all, in the ways

which lead to prosperity for all your people.

(Stephen Orchard from ‘All the Glorious Names’ Prayer Handbook 1989)


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